A child enters the stage, and in a twinkling a new family is born. From pure joy to utter despair – nothing is overwhelming as this first child! Becoming parents while staying partners – now the family needs teamworking skills to stay in balance!

The systemic family development game and toolkit FIB – FAMILY IN BALANCE opens up a space for communication und cooperation in parent counselling, couples therapy und coaching.

The game’s developer Eva Tillmetz (Regensburg, Germany) was awarded the Practice Prize of the Systemic Society of the German Association for Systemic Research, Therapy, Supervision and Counselling, Berlin, for the FIB – FAMILIE IN BALANCE concept in 2017.


In the English edition, the life boards and instructions are in English.

You may also download the video from our server.

FIB - at a glance

The game

The family and couples therapist Eva Tillmetz has studied this first stage of family life and developed the systemic family development game FIB – FAMILY IN BALANCE, which promotes dialogue between parents to help them build a sustainable future.

The concept

Family life is like a colourful landscape of relationships, constantly taking on new forms and patterns. In FIB - FAMILY IN BALANCE, these different areas of life are symbolised by the life boards, on which the family’s entire everyday life and all special occasions imaginable take place.

FIB in practice

FIB – FAMILY IN BALANCE is more than just a game – it can be used in a variety of ways as a stimulating tool in parental counselling, couples therapy and family education, supervision and coaching - out of curiosity and interest, to clarify issues and solve problems, or to establish hypotheses.


Numerous family therapy institutes, counselling centres, psychologists and therapists have tested FIB FAMILY in BALANCE and shared their experiences with us. From their first impressions to the more profound work (in German) ...